Finding training - Relevance
Finding training to meet your needs
Unfortunately, finding quality training is not as simple as choosing accredited over unaccredited options. Both can be excellent or disappointing and it is up to the purchaser to do due diligence when deciding which training to choose. This section describes what to look for and questions to ask to help you make the right choice. You can download the Training Selection Score Sheet to keep track of your assessment against the criteria outlined in this section.
Course content
The first characteristic to look for is whether the training content is likely to meet learning needs and achieve the change in practical performance you are looking for. Look for a statement of course content and learning outcomes and check it against the aspects of capability you want to develop. For example, if you are thinking of using accredited training such as Certificate 3 in Individual Support or Certificate 4 in Disability, you can look at which competency standards will be delivered in the course.
Simply completing a qualification can be a good start but does not guarantee workers will have the capabilities they need unless training is aligned with your organisation’s specific requirements. Training providers can include different elective units as part of a qualification, and you may want to discuss options to include those that best suit your needs. You can find details of both qualifications and individual units of competency by visiting
The 2022 version of these qualifications generally align with the Framework capabilities so you should check that your training provider is using the most recent version. You can also ask training providers how their training maps against the Framework capabilities you want to develop.
You can use a similar approach when considering the relevance of non-accredited training. Check learning outcomes against your priorities. The Framework provides an authoritative description of required capabilities that can be used as a measure to judge the relevance of both non-accredited and accredited training. You can also use it to review in-house training.
Fit with organisational requirements
If purchasing training from a training provider, you could check whether they will customise the content based on the expectations, procedures and equipment used in your organisation. If you are a larger provider with ongoing training needs, you could look for a learning provider who will spend time getting to understand and tailor training to your needs. If you are a small or medium sized organisation, you could consider combining with others with similar training needs to negotiate more tailored training and assessment activities to meet your needs.
Finding training content to deliver relevant capabilities

Healthy Supports is a service provider in metropolitan Melbourne supporting NDIS participants with a range of needs, including participants with spinal cord injuries. They have assessed that they need to provide some specific training for staff on supporting people with spinal cord injury and that the training needs to include dysphagia support.
Mary is a qualified health practitioner who oversees the delivery of health-related supports and trains support workers in this aspect of their work. Mary developed some online training materials workers can use and also provides practical demonstration sessions before workers are assessed to make sure they are able and confident to work independently.
Healthy Supports have contacted Mary and checked the description of her training and course content against the needs they have identified. They have also spoken to referees Mary has provided from similar services.
In discussion with Mary, Healthy Supports learn that she uses the Framework and related guidance, including the High Intensity Support Skills Descriptor on Dysphagia Support to make sure training content is aligned with the NDIS Commission’s expectations. Mary can do a follow up assessment and refresher training with those workers who are supporting participants with dysphagia.
Healthy Supports decide to engage Mary to provide general training for all staff and specific training to the workers providing dysphagia support.
Downloads and related resources
Training for Capability: A Guide for NDIS Providers
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Training Outcomes Matrix
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Worker Capability Self-Assessment Guide and Self-Assessment Tool
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