Top five tips for workers using the NDIS Workforce Capability Framework

The NDIS Workforce Capability Framework (the Framework) is live. NDIS providers, workers and participants assisted in trialling tools to support quality service provision and workforce planning.
Workers, providers and participants can start using the Framework, tools and guides now to keep improving the quality of support. Find out more about what good support looks like, career pathways, training and supervision, workforce planning, recruitment and delivery of services.
1. Try the Self-Assessment Tool for Potential Workers to gain an understanding of what disability support work is like and if it could be a good fit for you.
The Self-Assessment Tool for Potential Workers can help provide a greater understanding of disability support work for anyone considering entering the sector.
The tool has a simple quiz and some scenarios based on real situations where there is a range of choices a worker can make. It shows someone what work in the sector is like and what providing good support work looks like. The scenarios and questions highlight different areas of work and role types they could choose to work in.
After undertaking the quiz, users will receive a personalised report back showing what part of the sector they may best fit in to. This can be useful for providers doing recruitment for prospective workers as a way of showing the values and attitudes expected from workers in the sector.
2. Take some time to explore the Framework and what it can tell you about how to improve your own work practice.
It can be really useful to take your own tour around the Framework, tools and guides to get a feel for how it may assist you.
The Workforce Capability Framework steps you through the skills and knowledge workers at all levels should have to support NDIS participants. It is written from the perspective of the NDIS participant and translates the NDIS Code of Conduct and Practice Standards into observable behaviours and capabilities for workers at all levels.
The Framework is relevant to all worker providing NDIS-funded services and supports to participants. Here you will find attitudes, skills and knowledge that workers should demonstrate in terms of practical, observable examples of expected behaviours.
Capabilities are the foundation for building detailed descriptions of support activities and procedures, suited to different participant needs and delivery environments. The Framework contains different sets of capabilities to support different types of work.
By choosing the level of work you want to know about and any specialised or specific supports, you can learn more about being responsive to culture, implementing mealtime management, or coordinating support. You can also select from three broad types of worker capabilities (general, advanced, ancillary), or senior leader or frontline management to see the core capabilities. You will find behavioural indicators in a drop-down list for each capability and essential knowledge for the combined capabilities.
3. Explore the Career Options Guide and see where a career in disability supports could take you.
There are many ways to expand or grow your disability support career, however, understanding what the options are and what will be expected of you is key to making the important decisions.
The Career Options Guide can also help people interested in the sector to understand how they can use and develop skills, capabilities and interests for a career in disability support.
The guide provides suggestions, and things to consider to help you decide if this is the direction you want to take. Roles are described with real examples of peoples career paths, and resources and tips for taking the next step are provided.
4. Talk to the participants you support about the Framework, tools and guides available and get their input and feedback.
Consider sharing the Framework, tools and guides with participants to get their support in building the quality of the supports you provide, and understanding how the resources can support them and assist in good service delivery. By sharing the tools, guides, Framework and language with participants, they gain an understanding of how different supports can be delivered. This is also great for participants who want to know how to provide feedback to workers or their providers.
The Supervising for Capability resources have guides on working together with participants, workers and supervisors to build a shared understanding of how supports should be delivered. Participants providing feedback with a shared language of ‘what good looks like’ puts you in a great position to assess and improve the capabilities you should demonstrate.
5. Consider where to start and what you may need to know or learn more about.
With a range of tools available, it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start. It comes down to what you are looking for in your career pathway.
As someone new to the sector, it may be best to start with the Self-Assessment Tool for Potential Workers to gain a better understanding of what participants or providers may expect from you.
If you are a current worker, just wanting to understand the expectations of disability work or how you could improve the supports you deliver, the Framework itself may be useful for you.
By navigating through the Framework, you can check out different jobs and specialisations that could help you now and into the future.
If you’re looking to progress your career or even specialise, you can use the Career Options Guide to see where a career in disability supports could take you. From specialising in areas such a psychosocial disability, simply wanting to learn more about inclusion or moving into supervision, there are options and next steps to explore.
Where to next?
The Framework goes through different types of work and capabilities, meaning it can be tailored to the types of work you are doing and who you are supporting. This can make you stand out from the rest, with an additional line of defence to ensure you’re not only providing appropriate supports but also have additional assistance of the tools and guides.
The Framework, tools, guides and resources are now available online.