New resources to support hiring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

New resources to support hiring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

September 2023

The Workforce Capability Framework has released resources created specifically to engage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workers and to support participants in receiving culturally relevant and respectful care.

During the development of these resources, a Yarning Circle was conducted, facilitated by Coolamon Advisors and including representatives from Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations and the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation.

Throughout the drafting and review process, Coolamon Advisors were consulted, as were a group of people who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. The final resources were sent to the Yarning Circle participants and are available online now.

You can access:

Position Description Tool guide for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
This guide will assist participants, providers and recruiters in creating job (position) descriptions that engage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workers to support participants in receiving culturally relevant and respectful care.
PDF download

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Recruitment and Selection Resources guide for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
This guide will assist participants, providers and recruiters with tips and steps from identifying a job opening through to onboarding a new worker, with a focus on the best processes for hiring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workers or for those in the community.
PDF download
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NDIS Workforce Capability Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Watch the video

The Commission is open to feedback on these resources, please reach out to should you have any questions, concerns or feedback for future resources  .