New participant resources page launched to support recruitment, feedback and supervision

To support participants, the NDIS Workforce Capability Framework (the Framework) has released a new participant resources page, including Easy Read resources, animation videos and other handy tips and templates.
The Framework describes the attitudes, skills and knowledge expected of all workers funded under the NDIS and establishes a shared language of ‘what good looks like’ for participants.
The participant resources developed support participants in navigating the Framework and understanding how the tools and guides could be helpful to them when receiving NDIS supports.
The new resources include:
- Easy Read resources highlighting the key information for the Framework, selected tools and guides.
- Fact sheets to provide a summary of the Framework, tools and guides.
- Position Description Tool sample to support you develop your own.
- How-to-guides for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
- Animation explainer videos that provide a snapshot of how you can use the Framework.
- Short videos explaining the Framework, tools and guides in practice.
- Auslan translations of all videos.
- A checklist for doing recruitment and example interview questions with tips on how to create your own interview questions based on the Framework capabilities, and how to know what a good response could look like.
- Resources to support participants giving feedback to workers and providers
- Plain English guides for Supervision resources.
You can check out the participant resources page here.