Improving workforce quality projects to finalise in 2023

Improving workforce quality projects to finalise in 2023

January 2023
Two women and a man sitting at a desk with a laptop open. The woman in the foreground is pointing at information on the laptop screen with a pen. They are all looking at information on the laptop screen.

This year, the Workforce Capability Framework (the Framework), tools and guides will roll out the final iterations to assist with improving workforce quality and establish a shared language of ‘what good looks like’ for participants receiving supports. 

The Framework describes the attitudes, skills and knowledge expected of all workers funded under the NDIS. It provides clear and practical examples, with a suite of resources for providers, participants and workers.

Five new tools and related resources were developed and launched for beta testing to the public in 2022, after working closely with sector stakeholders. Thank you to all of those who provided valuable feedback in the development and beta testing phases. The response to beta testing was overall very positive with some minor amendments and enhancements made based on feedback.

The extensive Framework and tools are valuable for participants, providers and other workers, trainers and training organisations involved in NDIS work as it demonstrates the expectations of workers and providers delivering NDIS services. 

The tools and guides are online with some available as downloadable Word, Excel or PDF documents. The Framework and current tools and guides can be found on the Tools & Resources page on the Framework website.  Supervision resources for providers and participants, as well as advice on training for providers will also be uploaded to the website soon, with further participant resources also in development.

Revised High Intensity Support Skills Descriptors now available

The High Intensity Support Skills Descriptors (the skills descriptors) have been updated following consultation and will come into effect from 1 February 2023. They are now available online at the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission website.

The review of the skills descriptors were undertaken as a project element within the NDIS Workforce Capability Framework project. The review has:

  • Updated the content of the skills descriptors in line with contemporary practice and expert advice
  • Updated the format and language of the skills descriptors to align with the contemporary language and participant focus adopted in the Framework.

The skills descriptors provide guidance for NDIS providers and auditors by describing the skills and knowledge that NDIS providers should ensure their workers have when supporting participants with High Intensity Daily Personal Activities as defined in the NDIS Practice Standards (High Intensity Daily Personal Activities Module).

These supports present some of the highest risks to participants' physical health. Many of these supports are intensely personal in nature, and require workers to communicate and work closely with the participant to understand when and how to deliver supports safely in ways that meet the participants' preferences and daily routines.

A frequently asked questions document is also available online.