End of year update

End of year update

December 2021
Man and woman sitting at a dining table. Man is smiling and there is a bowl of salad between them.

This year has been a busy one for the Framework team with the release of the Framework website in July and the development of Framework resources. These include a brochure, an explainer video and introductory explanations in Easy Read, Auslan and Community Languages.

We are also working on developing tools to explain how to use the Framework for anything related to workforce – whether that’s checking if you are a good fit for working in the NDIS, planning for and finding the workers you need, or looking for ways to explain what you want from your workers. Anyone who engages with the NDIS workforce can benefit from using the Framework. You might have heard from one of the developers working with us as all of these tools are working alongside participants, workers, managers and other experts in sector to make sure the results are practical, useful and easy to use.

We will start launching these tools as they are finalised so look out for them as they are released from early next year. We will be leading off in the new year with our first tool, a suitability self-assessment tool for potential workers. 

We will continue working throughout 2022 to finalise the full suite of tools to support people to use the Framework, these will include:

  • A suitability self-assessment tool for potential workers
  • An interactive position description builder and associated templates
  • Recruitment and selection tools and resources
  • Guidance on the use of the Framework for existing workers
  • A maturity model and workforce planning tool
  • A review of the High Intensity Skills Descriptors
  • Models of supervision and practice leadership tools and guidance
  • Guidance on the use of the Framework for NDIS participants

Keep an eye on our website, or register for updates, to learn more about these as they are released.

Input from people with disability, workers, NDIS Providers and other sector stakeholders has been the key to developing the Framework and will continue to keep us on track to building the capability of the NDIS workforce and improving the quality of supports delivered to NDIS participants. If you haven’t already, we encourage you to register or update your areas of interest so we can keep you posted and do our best to match you with opportunities to engage with this work in the way you choose.